Nattsvarts Community and Mutual Aid center

The nattsvart mutual aid center is now a thing. See the page Community and Mutual Aid Center for more info! So far it is available in swedish, english, polish and turkish. Translations into other language will be up soon.

Nattsvarts center för gemensam hjälp är nu etablerad. Gå till sidan “Center för inbördes hjälp för mer info! Än så länge finns svensk, engelsk, turkisk och polsk översättning. Översättningar till fler språk är på g.

Thanks! Tack! Gracias! Danke!

Tack allihopa för stödet vi fått sen vi skrev att vi behöver pengar till hyran! Just nu har vi fått ihop hela 8535 kr av 10 000 kr! Det betyder att vi har 1465 kr kvar till april hyran.

Om du känner att du kan hjälpa oss så kan du gå in på:

Thanks everyone who has been supporting us since we wrote that we need help paying our rent! As of this moment we have managed to gather up 8535 SEK out of the 10 000! That means that we now only need 1465 SEK to pay the rent for april.

If you feel like you can give us any support we appreciate it so much! Visit to see how you can support us!


Thanks meme - Imgflip

Nattsvart ekonomi på grund av COVID-19

Hej allihopa, våra tankar går ut till alla som i dagarna går och oroas både ekonomisk och virologisk kris. Vår förhoppning är att nattsvart redan är och framförallt i framtiden kan vara en plats som ger hopp och möjlighet till ett bättre liv för alla som drabbas av den ekonomiska elitens framfart.

Nattsvart drivs som många av er redan vet på donationer från er, alla som kommer dit och som uppskattar att nattsvart verkstad finns. Våra aktiviteter kommer bli kraftigt minskade på grund av covid-19 och därigenom vår förmåga att nå ut och samla in till vår kommande hyra. Om du känner att du har möjlighet så vore en donation, hur stor eller liten som helst, extremt uppskattad.

Om bara 200 personer skänker 50 kr var så har vi nått upp till månadens hyra, så hjälp till att sprida den tanken och varför det är värt att bidra!

För att skänka en slant:…/

Här kommer ett recept på engelska om hur en tillverkar sitt eget handdesinfektionsmedel:

Hand sanitizer recipe

3/4 cup of isopropyl or rubbing alcohol (99 percent)

1/4 cup of aloe vera gel (to help keep your hands smooth and to counteract the harshness of alcohol)

10 drops of essential oil, such as lavender oil, or you can use lemon juice instead

kr3ts: Intro to C and Assembly

assembly language

The kr3ts hackerspace invites you to a beginners guide to programming in C and Assembly language.

Tuesday the 10th, 18:00 at Nattsvart

It will be a great warmup for anyone interested in the upcoming Kernel Module Workshop (24th March).

Learning low level programming languages like C and Assembly is useful for anyone that want to learn more about how a computer actually works. It’s also a great skill to have when writing exploits, reverse engineering code and optimizing computations.

For the latest updates on activities in the kr3ts hackerspace, check out the page:

kr3ts: Binary exploitation 101

What is a buffer overflow? How do you smash the stack for fun and profit? Let’s get our hacking hands dirty, and dive into the weird and wonderful world of binary exploitation. It’s a topic in IT security that is not always easy to get started with, so let’s make it easier by trying out things together in a learning environment.

The kr3ts hackerspace at nattsvart is hosting a beginner level workshop on binary exploitation on 18 february, 18:00. Bring your laptop, and a way to run virtual environments (for example an installation of VirtualBox).

Folkkök #5: Vegan Brunch Buffet

Come and join our first brunch buffet! Sunday, 26/01 13:12h !

Our hacker-friends / kr3ts will also have a lockpicking workshop! Enjoy great vegan food and learn how to pick locks!

???? Who is piratköket?
Piratköket is a group of volunteers who enjoy preparing delicious vegan food. Once a in a while we cook at Nattsvart.
The food is always vegan and will be distributed for donation.

???? Who can join? – Everyone is welcome to join! You don`t need any experience in the kitchen. We need people to cut veggies, do the dishes or help serving 🙂 Support your local folkkök!

???? Why vegan?
Cruelty-free food is good food.

◎ Why donation?
The donation is based on the self-assessment of each individual – who have less, can give less; If you have more, you may donate a little more.

◎What happens to the donations?
We will use the donation to buy the ingredients and pay rent, and tools if needed. The rest of the money goes to different projects.

◎ Where do we get the ingredients for the food?
We try to get food donations, or try to save food waste which ends up being thrown away. Other specific ingredients, which are hard to come by will be bought in stores.

Gotta Pick ’Em All!

Lockpicking is fun! Do you want to learn how to do it? The kr3ts hackerspace throws a lockpicking party at Nattsvart on the 26th Jan and you are invited. We will start at 12:00.

We will be practicing our picking skills and anyone that wants can join, regardless if you have done this before or not. This is happening in parallel with Piratkökets “brunch buffet”. Come for the food, stay for the picking.

We provide lock picks and instructions. We also have some locks to try out. If you have a lock of your own, bring it and try to pick it. Any type of lock is fair game: combination locks, bike locks, locks with keys of any shape or form.

We are planning a separate event for picking electronic locks and contactless “blipp” keys later this year. Stay tuned for that.

Let’s Play a Game!

The Nattsvart hackerspace kr3ts invites you to join us for the Insomnihacks Online CTF on the 18th Jan.

WTF is a CTF you ask? Well, a Capture the Flag (CTF) event is a kind of hacker competition. In this case a conference is hosting the competition. They have prepared a number of vulnerable websites, mysterious programs to reverse engineer and cryptos to break. On Saturday the 18th Jan we will be hanging out in Nattsvart and participating in this competition as a team.


If you have never played a CTF, but think you might like it, we would love to have you on our team. Playing a CTF requires some basic programming skills, but more specific hacking skills is not a prerequisite. Send an email to if you would like to join us for this event.

We are also hosting a CTF warmup on Tuesday the 14th starting at 18:00. This is a great time to drop by if you have any questions or want to meet the kr3ts CTF team. We will be playing around with some tools that could be useful during the competition.

Flyttinsamlingen fortsätter – snart flyttar vi! :))

Vi har fått ett fantastiskt stöd hittils för vår insamling inför flytten av Nattsvart till Högdalens industriområde! Flyttfonden har nåt en tredjedel på vägen och vi har hunnit ungefär lika långt mot vårt mål för stödmedlemskap, å då har vi bara hållit på i drygt tre veckor!

Vi behöver dock fortfarande dra mer pengar men insamlingen kommer också att fortsätta tills den är i mål. Så skicka en slant, skriv upp dig som stödmedlem och berätta för dina nära och kära!

Vi flyttar 1 december men kommer öppna för de första aktiviteterna 14e december då vi har öppet hus och folkök, mer info om detta kommer. Den gamla lokalen, på sjösatorg 4 kommer finnas kvar december ut.

Läs mer om flytten här: