For a list of books that you can currently find in our library check out this link:

Mutual Aid Reboot
We have now finally gotten our shit together again. After the winter break, we had to reevaluate our capacity and availability for running the regular open hours for the space.
Mutual Aid Hours are back, now on Mondays between 18.00 and 20.00.
These hours are a good time to drop by to restock the free shop or to fill the fridge with free food or maybe use the shower or the kitchen.
There are routines in place for handling covid and we keep physical distance from each other.
Nattsvart General Assembly
På Lördagen den 6 mars är det dags för General Assembly (på svenska ungefär Allmän Samling/Stormöte) på Nattsvart Verkstad! Du är inbjuden. I vanliga fall hade vi träffats på verkstan, men nu hålls samlingen på internet. Syftet med samlingen är att alla som är verksamma i Nattsvart och alla som vill vara verksamma i Nattsvart skall kunna träffa varandra, prata om saker som måste pratas om och koordinera saker med varandra. För att få länk till mötesrummet så skickar du ett mail till med rubriken “General assembly”. Länken till det zoom rum vi kommer använda skickas ut strax före mötet som ett svar på ditt mail.
När är det? 13.00 – 15.00, Lördag 6 mars 2021 (pauser inkluderade)
On Saturday the 6th of March it’s time for General Assembly of Nattsvart Verkstad! You are invited. If things were as usual we would meet up in person at the space, but this time we will host the meeting online. The purpose of the General Assembly is for everyone who already is, or wants to be, organized at Nattsvart Verkstad to be able to meet and talk and coordinate things together. To receive the link for the zoom room you need to send an email to with the subject line “General assembly”. The link to the zoom room we will use will be sent out just before the meeting starts as a response to your email.
When is it? 13.00 – 15.00, Saturday the 6th of March, 2021 (breaks included).
Thank you all!
Thank you so much, everyone, for the received economic support! We have successfully managed to pay our rent for January. We literally couldn’t have done it without your help!
A quick note: this problem will not be going away quickly, this means in practical terms that we will be asking the same thing next month and probably the month after that. In order to make that process a bit less daunting and scary what we really need is financial stability. One really, really appreciated way of helping us achieve that is to become a support member!
Filling in the form and donating a small amount every month is by far the best way to contribute! You decide the amount of your membership fee/donation, we recommend between 50 and 500 kronor. #nattsvartverkstad #acab #mutualaid #anticapitalistirony #itsucksbeingconfinedinthissocietalhellholecalledeconomy
Merry crisis and a happy new fear!
Donations urgently needed to cover rent
As per usual we are struggling to cover rent, this problem is made worse when we don’t have any income from public events. Please check under your mattress and see if ye got some cash to send our way, also please tell yer friends to do the same! Here are our bank details:
123 473 00 99
5364-34 554 96
To become a support member:
Our regular open hours during the holidays
During the last months we have had a lot of visits from people in need and a few drop ins from other comrades and curious people. The amount of visitors have steadily dropped as we get closer to the holidays. This has led to the decision to have a few weeks of rest to recuperate for spring 2021. Nattsvart verkstads regular open hours will be closed between 20th of December and the 10th of January 2021 (20th of december being the last day we are open, and the 10th of january being the day we reopen).
Schedule for open hours (including mutual aid hours):
13th of December: 13.00 – 16.00
15th of December: 18.30 – 20.00
20th of December: 13.00 – 16.00
10th of January 2021: 13.00 – 16.00
Space-less Commons a talk by Nikos Vrantsis
On Friday the 16th of October at 18:30 researcher, activist, and comrade Nikos Vrantsis will visit us at nattsvart and give a presentation on the political situation for squatters in Thessaloniki.
There will also be vegan food! We will be limited to 40 people, but we probably won’t fill up. If you’re in doubt just contact us!
Here’s a description of the talk :
Space-less commons
In the recent election of the crisis-ridden Greece, the right-wing party of New Democracy won the majority of seats in parliament, uniting its electorate under a promise to “restore normality”. Since then, it has unleashed an unprecedented wave of repression against squats, framing squatters as the “symptoms” of abnormality, conflating squats with illegality, criminality and social evil. The safescapes previously sustained by squats and a solidarity network has now been drastically changed and pauperised in Thessaloniki.
In this presentation Nikos would like to discuss
— the political and institutional rearrangements that preceded the recent repression of squats
— the ways squats in Thessaloniki have been reframed and evacuated
— the effects of this lost safescape upon undocumented migrants
— the remainders and spaceless legacies of previous common struggles, and how we get to next.
Nikos Vrantsis has a background in Political Sciences and completed his ΜΑ in Political Theory in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
He is currently enrolled as a master student of Urban Studies in the University of Malmö.
He has worked as a journalist reporting on homelessness and urban movements in Greece.
He is currently a member of the digital libertarian space Αυτο-λεξεί for autonomy, social ecology and direct democracy and part of the movement against evictions.
A mini-docu made about the planned Snösätra demolition

Piratköket returns! Sunday 20th of September
Our Folkkök has its return this Sunday!
Anyone who wants to help cooking can just show up at 16h, doesn’t matter if it`s for cutting veggies, helping to arrange the space or doing the dishes ????
Oh and: We can have max 30 people there!
Come and join our second folkkök and enjoy great vegan food on a donation basis. We also look for volunteers for that day!
We’ll have a starter, main dish and dessert!
???? Who is piratköket?
Piratköket is a group of volunteers who enjoy preparing delicious vegan food. Once a in a while we cook at Nattsvart.
The food is always vegan and will be distributed for donation.
???? Who can join? – Everyone is welcome to join! You don`t need any experience in the kitchen. We need people to cut veggies, do the dishes or help serving ???? Support your local folkkök!
???? Why vegan?
Cruelty-free food is good food.
◎ Why donation?
The donation is based on the self-assessment of each individual – who have less, can give less; If you have more, you may donate a little more.
◎What happens to the donations?
We will use the donation to buy the ingredients and pay rent, and tools if needed. The rest of the money goes to different projects.
◎ Where do we get the ingredients for the food?
We try to get food donations, or try to save food waste which ends up being thrown away. Other specific ingredients, which are hard to come by will be bought in stores.