Väggtidningen för april 2022 är klar!

Från och med torsdag 14 april finns denna månadens affischtidning att hämta upp på Nattsvart  Verkstad. Kom förbi imorgon under vår öppettid (18-20) för att hämta ditt exemplar!

Tanka ner högupplöst PDF för utskrift här: 2022 april poster

Texten på affischen:
Vi vill hjälpa. Nu.

Detta är ett av de grundläggande dragen inom anarkistisk organisering, att vi vill förbättra de materiella förutsättningarna omedelbart. Många av de auktoritära bekantskaperna inom Continue reading

Kamrater arrangerar Nattsvart Mangel @ Gula Villan

Kamrater arrangerar stödspelning för att hjälpa oss komma på fötter igen!
OBS: Detta är inte ett nattsvart evenemang, utan äger rum på Gula Villan i Handen.

“Lördag den 19:e mars klockan 19:00 slår Gula Villan upp portarna för Nattsvart Mangel!!; En stödspelning där allt överskott kommer att gå till att hjälpa Nattsvart Verkstad att bygga upp pengabuffert.

Kom kom på en kväll fylld med oljud och solidaritet!
Punk, Dödsmetal, Grindcore, Crust!! i en ohelig blandning!
Bärs, Blastbeats och Blasfemi!!

Nattsvart Verkstad, ett anarkistiskt socialt center (https://nattsvartverkstad.noblogs.org/) hade i mars månad en ekonomisk kris som tömde ut alla deras reserver. Nu arrar banden ECRYPTMENT, SLAUGHTERCOFFIN, NUKIES, MALICIOUS XENO-CONCIOUSNESS, ARROGANTE en stödspelning för att hjälpa Nattsvart!

Det kommer som vanligt att finnas god mat och dryck på plats för en billig slant!

Get over heeeeere!
Lib, lib, libertad! – Anarchia Total!

Här är deras facebook event: https://fb.me/e/1IwL0VDIP 

Anarchist assembly follow up meeting

On the 18th of March, 18:00 – 19:00, Nattsvart Verkstad hosts a follow-up gathering after the “Anarchists Assembly on Ukraine”. The intent is that everyone who showed up to the assembly should regather and readdress some questions and propositions made during the assembly. Please note that this will be short and informational, not long and discussional.

For all purposes, this gathering is for the people who attended the original assembly. 

At the gathering, you will also be able to get a copy of the zine summing up the conclusions from the assembly. The zine will also be distributed through Bokhandeln Info and Cyklopen.

Solidarity saves the day: Nattsvart Verkstad is NOT in financial crisis!

Friends and Comrades, you are amazing. After less than a full day, we have raised sufficient funds to continue! We are absolutely humbled by the solidarity and generosity of the radical left community!

We say this all the time, but it never gets old to repeat: Solidarity is our strongest defense! Thank you all so much! We hope to see you all more often on the streets and in our projects!

Nattsvart is in a financial crisis!

After a break-in attempt and key theft in august, we have been struggling with a debt to our landlord. A few days ago we received a second notice on that bill. As of right now, we owe 23 000 kr, and our time is running out. The bill should have been paid 2022-03-03.

We already have managed to raise about 10.971 kr.
This leaves about 12 000 that we still need to raise.

If we cannot pay this, we might have to close Nattsvart Verkstad down.

If you think that we are an important part of the Stockholm activist scene, or political ecology, this is very much the time to help us! We encourage all initiatives to help us raise this money, and any efforts to allow us to keep the space running.

If you cannot host any support events, or have any money to spare, you can still spread the word and encourage people to help out!

Swish 123 473 00 99
BG: 5476-1143

/The Nattsvart Collective

Stockholm Anarchist Assembly – on Ukraine

To all anarchists, in and around Stockholm – in support of comrades and peoples caught between the megalomaniac states of Ukraine and Russia. In response to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, the devastating effects on the various peoples of Ukraine, and the following repression and persecution of anti-authoritarians and anarchists both in Russia and Ukraine, there is an urgent need for the international solidarity movement to, once again, get our shit together.

As part of the anarchist international movement, we need to meet each other in order to draft plans for how we as a community can support and help our comrades in need. Whether you are part of an affinity group, a collective, or just an individual who feels the calling – we call out to you to meet up on Saturday the 5th of march.

The meeting will be moderated, and you will discuss things with comrades – known and unknown. The language will primarily be in swedish and english.

As with any publicly announced event, there is some need for consciousness about what we talk about.

There are a few discussions that must happen:

  • What possible lines of cooperation can we establish in preparation for when Ukrainian migrants start showing up.

  • What material resources do we have among us? Housing? Money? Food? What do we actually need?

  • What can an anarchist volunteer do in Ukraine and the surrounding areas?

Some perspectives and thoughts (recommended reading):

Vi behöver pengar – we need money

Nattsvart verkstad monthly rent callout.
if you support our work and find nattsvart important (or see potential in it) please donate some of your hard earned cash to us.

swish: 123 473 00 99
bankgiro: 5476-1143

🖤 thanks to everyone who supports us, you are literally what gives us a roof. 🖤

To set up a monthly donation please fill out this form: https://cutt.ly/CyPJpeW