This is a picture showing a closed black fist raised in the air, clutching two flags, one black and one red. Above the fist a headline ripped from another document spells out "en dag fylld med samtal och föredrag om Especifismo". Below the fist the date "26th of february" followed by the line "13.00 at Nattsvart Verkstad" is written in a font created by the mujeres libres during the spanish revolution. On a superimposed sticker in the lower right corner the following text is printed: "The anarchist practice of building popular movements & revolutionary organization".

A day about Especifismo

On the 26th of february, starting at 13.00, Nattsvart Verkstad invites you all to a day full of talks and conversations on the ideas of Especifismo. Now, you might wonder what especifismo is:

Throughout the history of anarchism, we have struggled with the tension between making a full prefigurative revolution and fighting for the lives of those who get the worst positions in the prevailing power structure.

We also confront the problems of finding the revolutionary subject, avoiding vanguardism and liberal activism at the same time.

How do we build new power if we constantly petition the state and capital to do this work for us in the name of expedience? Do we organize in anarchist organizations or in broader organizations sharing methods of anarchistic organizing? Do we build parallel organizations like the FAI of revolutionary Spain?

Especifismo is an anarchist tradition originating in Latin America, closely related to the Platformism of Nestor Makhno’s peasant army and aspects of Italian Anarcho-communism, which addresses many of these questions. We invite you to join a day of presentations and discussions on this exciting part of the anarchist movement.

a picture showing a colorful galaxy. Superimposed over the universe is the logotype of Nattsvart Verkstad and its open hours are listed. The space is open on thursdays between 18.00 and 20.00. In parenthesis behind the times it says "sometimes longer".

We are back! Vi är tillbaka!

Sen mitten av januari är vi igång i lokalerna igen!

Våra öppettider är som vanligt torsdagar mellan 18.00 och 20.00.

Vi inleder 2023 med att påbörja arbetet med HeaterBloc projektet! HeaterBloc är en sorts kamin som förbränner alcohol. Detta gör vi för att distribuera till utsatta som löper risk för förfrysning. Vintern är hård och samhällsklimatet blir kallare för varje år som går.

Steg 1 i arbetet är att skaffa materialet vi behöver. Hjälp oss skaffa material så vi kan skapa värmekällor! Vi behöver:

  • Skruvstäd
  • 6 mm diameter kopparrör
  • Värmetåliga glasburkar med metallock (syltburkar) (måste vara värmetåligt och härdat!!)
  • J-B Weld Epoxy (två komponents)
  • Bommulstyg för vekar
  • Lergodstallrikar med ca 14 cm platt yta i mitten
  • Galvaniserat hönsnät (utan plast/gummi på!)
  • Terrakottakrukor (max 14 cm diameter)
  • En riskkapitalists lever (deras hjärtan är för små)

Vi planerar just nu även en rad föreläsningar och workshops för våren. En av de redan bestämda ämnena vi kommer fokusera på är Especifismo. En anarkistisk praxis som är en form av plattformism. Especifismo dagen kommer vara den 26e februari! Vi komemr posta uppdatering kring det här när vi har spikat detaljerna.

Vi kommer även lite då och då dyka upp på Kafe44 med ett infobord och svara på frågor, knyta kontakter och värva stödmedlemmar.

Eng below:

Continue reading

Ses i Januari! See you in January!

Nu tar vi lite ledigt. Vi drar igång igen i Januari! Ses då!

We are taking a short break. We will start doing things again in January! See you then!

Facem o scurtă pauză. Vom începe să fim din nou activi în ianuarie! Ne vedem atunci!

Nos tomamos un breve descanso. Volveremos a la actividad en enero! Hasta entonces!


ANTIJOB – Antiwar and antiwork movement in Russia

Despite repressions in connection with the Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the anti-authoritarian initiatives continue to operate in Russia. One of them is Antijob, an anti-authoritarian syndicalist project that carries out its work no matter the risks.

#antijob #russia #antiwar #antiwork #nattsvart #stockholm #sweden

Since the start of the invasion, Antijob has spoken out against military aggression, forced conscription at work, and continues its fight for the labor against work.

On 8 December at 18:00, a representative of Antijob’s collective will share their experience of survival and fighting in a repressive state. You will also learn how to support the working-class movement in Russia.

Here is an interview made by crimethinc on the topic:

Digital Security For Activists Workshop

# November 19th @ 2PM – Digital Security For Activists Workshop

Nattsvart invites you to join us for a lecture and workshop on how best to protect data and cultivate a security mindset.
We will cover all the main threats and offer you best practices on how to mitigate these concerns.
After the introductory lecture, we will help you get set up with anything you are missing and answer any of your questions.
Please bring your devices so we can help you set things up, and share this invite with your comrades!

Date & Time:
Saturday, 19 November, 2022 – 14:00
Category: #advice #help #office hours #course #workshop #WorkSpace #diy #CyberSecurity #computers #digital
Price: free – Nattsvart is financed only by donations from anonymous givers. Please consider supporting us by donating to us.

The Oktober Nattsvart Poster

This was the result after scrambling a bit to come up with a new poster. We went with something pretty traditional. Become ungovernable, y’all! If you click the image below you’ll get a printable version of the poster. The original format is A3 and color.

Tales of anarchy and its practice – autumn 2022 – registration is open!

Starting on the 18th of September the introductory course in anarchist theory and praxis starts!

In September and October 2022, in Stockholm, we will host a short introductory course on how revolutionary anarchism functions as praxis. The intended audience is anyone who is, or wants to be, serious about political projects within the anarchist movement.

The course is split up over 3 days, each day containing 2 sessions/speakers. The content will be addressed both in lecture format and in seminar forms.’

In order to reserve a spot on it, please fill out the registry form: