Thanks! Tack! Gracias! Danke!

Tack allihopa för stödet vi fått sen vi skrev att vi behöver pengar till hyran! Just nu har vi fått ihop hela 8535 kr av 10 000 kr! Det betyder att vi har 1465 kr kvar till april hyran.

Om du känner att du kan hjälpa oss så kan du gå in på:

Thanks everyone who has been supporting us since we wrote that we need help paying our rent! As of this moment we have managed to gather up 8535 SEK out of the 10 000! That means that we now only need 1465 SEK to pay the rent for april.

If you feel like you can give us any support we appreciate it so much! Visit to see how you can support us!


Thanks meme - Imgflip