Monthly Archives: October 2020

Space-less Commons a talk by Nikos Vrantsis

On Friday the 16th of October at 18:30 researcher, activist, and comrade Nikos Vrantsis will visit us at nattsvart and give a presentation on the political situation for squatters in Thessaloniki.
There will also be vegan food! We will be limited to 40 people, but we probably won’t fill up. If you’re in doubt just contact us!

Here’s a description of the talk :

Space-less commons

In the recent election of the crisis-ridden Greece, the right-wing party of New Democracy won the majority of seats in parliament, uniting its electorate under a promise to “restore normality”. Since then, it has unleashed an unprecedented wave of repression against squats, framing squatters as the “symptoms” of abnormality, conflating squats with illegality, criminality and social evil. The safescapes previously sustained by squats and a solidarity network has now been drastically changed and pauperised in Thessaloniki.

In this presentation Nikos would like to discuss
— the political and institutional rearrangements that preceded the recent repression of squats

— the ways squats in Thessaloniki have been reframed and evacuated
— the effects of this lost safescape upon undocumented migrants

— the remainders and spaceless legacies of previous common struggles, and how we get to next.

Nikos Vrantsis has a background in Political Sciences and completed his ΜΑ in Political Theory in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
He is currently enrolled as a master student of Urban Studies in the University of Malmö.
He has worked as a journalist reporting on homelessness and urban movements in Greece.
He is currently a member of the digital libertarian space Αυτο-λεξεί for autonomy, social ecology and direct democracy and part of the movement against evictions.